My name is Cho and I started Nourish and Thrive Well as a place where I can share experiences, learnings and tips on living an anti-inflammatory lifestyle.

Experiencing and managing stress-related chronic illnesses and pain gave way for me to spend countless hours trying to find helpful tips around healthy lifestyle changes. I discovered that intentional shifts in lifestyle could help lessen my symptoms and made me feel like a more optimal version of myself. Seeing how common these chronic conditions were and the difficulties people faced, I could see some common challenges, like poor diets, consumption of processed foods, exposure to unknown chemicals and toxic matter on the daily, dealing with daily stresses, managing increased pressure and anxieties at work, relationships, home and cost of living and overall, spending less time prioritizing the practice of healthy habits.

What surprised me, was how people were choosing to manage these challenges, and how they were with quick, and often unsuccessful ways. Alot of the time, it resulted in more severe symptoms and defeated morale.

I believe in a common-sense, balanced, ‘food as medicine’ approach and embrace slow and steady habitual shifts. I believe this is a more impactful and sustaining way to actually managing some of these challenges and I’m keen to spread the word.

Here’s to an anti-inflammatory lifestyle!

Nourish and thrive well.


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